The images in this post are of Victoria Csikany. I was dining in a local restaurant when I noticed her beautiful hair in a ponytail and how efficiently she was working. Crazy as it may sound, that was my initial impression of her and I knew I wanted to photograph her. So, I gave my business card to my waitress and asked her to give it to Victoria. To my surprise not only did my waitress give her the card, but she brought Victoria over to my table and introduced us. It was at that moment that I got my first good glimpse of her full face and infectious smile.
I told her about myself and invited her to model for me at which she replied, "I'm too short". We laughed and I promised I could make her look taller in photographs. In parting she offered to call me, but that didn't happen for weeks and I figured we'd never get together. Once we did made the connection for her first shoot I think that unspoken language between the two of us played out very well in the images below. Amazingly Victoria has never model before so I know the synergy we have is complete.
Click on images to enlarge

To see more of Victoria, click on this link:Victoria
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