To make a long story short, I had a great time. The hotel was nice, staying up til 3am in the morning watching movies was neat, touring the Savannah Historic District by trolley for 3 hours was perfect, climbing to the top of Tybee Light Station was (well, exhausting!!!), and filling my belly with crab and shrimp deliciously topped off our 4 day adventure. I can't wait until our 43rd anniversary. Maybe we'll go skydiving or something...I don't think so.
Now the fun part about this trip is that my youngest daughter Christy sternly instructed me to take lots of pictures with Eddie Mae's brand new point-and-shoot camera (which I tried). Honestly, I have no skills at pointing a camera at myself and snapping the shutter, especially with a camera so small that I nearly dropped it every time I picked it up. So, the pictures below are my first attempt at being a tourist with a non-professional camera.
[Double-click images to enlarge viewing]

and those little windows provided instant CPR.

the top of the lighthouse without passing out. Meet Amanda.
seafood anniversary meal was HIGH on the list of things to do.
[Click this link to see a slideshow of Tybee Island Light Station]
or go to: Tybeelighthouse
[Click this link to see a slideshow of Tybee Island Light Station]
or go to: Tybeelighthouse