by Willie L. Hill, Jr., CPP

Candace Booker
I start by looking at the spiritual soul of a person. We all have it, but for most of us it is well hidden, guarded or disguised. The invitation to let someone enter into this inner sanctuary is the essence of a great portrait. That’s what I’m after...I want to intertwine and exchange our personas. Next I select the proper theme, background, lighting, and photographic equipment. Then I blend these ingredients into a prevision of what I want the final image to portray. Embrace the inner person. See what you’ve never seen of yourself. Delight in the discovery of who you really are. There. The charades are gone; the walls are down; you are who you are.
Thank you for letting me share my creativity with you. It happens every time I press the shutter. Tell us if you want to experience a personal relationship with our photography.
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