This second session with Victoria almost didn't happen. After a couple of cancellations I was getting a little frustrated because the first time she and I got together for a short test shoot I knew another session would be beneficial for her experience. Well, it came down to the fact that I needed to provide transportation to the shooting location. No problem.
For this session I gave her the opportunity to wear an outfit that she wanted to be photographed in, but my main idea was to capture a shot of her wearing a dress in a field around the time of sunset. We started at a local gazebo, briefly stopped at the railroad tracks on the way to the field, and wrapped up everything in the field as the sun was setting. Perfect "sweet lighting"! Great job again, Victoria.
Cameras: Canon 5d w/24-105mm IS & 30D w/70-200mm IS
Post: Adobe Lightroom & CS3
Slideshow: Producer 4
Flash: Doug Box Softbox w/Canon 550EX
Click image to enter slideshow mode

Victoria is Hungarian by descent and is absolutely gorgeous in photographs.
This is one of the envisioned images I wanted to create of Victoria.
To see additional images of Victoria's session click here: Victoria